
Beginning in 2003, members and friends of the AMU Chamber Choir established
The association's function is the support and popularization of musical culture, production of creative musical activity and the promotion of artistic, cultural and scientific output of the its members; primarily, the AMU Chamber Choir. The main duty of our association is to support the artistic and organizational activity of the AMU Chamber Choir through promotion of its concerts, fundraising, and the creation of cultural and educational entertainment, and tourist events involving all of its members.

/from the Association's statutes/

Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir Friends' Association

ul. Św. Marcin 78, 61-809 Poznań
Tel. 604 525 554;
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

KRS no: 0000153718
NIP 777-27-01-278
REGON 634 46 67 56

Account no: 87 1240 6609 1111 0010 4746 2688

President: Joanna Piech-Sławecka
Vice-president: Anna Komendzińska
Treasurer: Grzegorz Sikorski

Board members
Bartosz Frąckowiak, Aleksandra Misiun, Krzysztof Szydzisz

Audit commission::
Maciej Stępiński (chairman), Szymon Kałuża, Joanna Suliga (members)